Why Mitragynine Doesn’t Mix with Water: A Scientific Look at Two Problems Plaguing the Kratom Industry

Kratom is a botanical that’s been used for centuries for its pain-relieving, mood-enhancing, and energy-boosting effects. However, kratom’s active ingredients, including mitragynine and other alkaloids, present two major challenges for the industry: they’re not water-soluble, and they taste extremely bitter.

Problem #1: Water-Insolubility of Mitragynine and Other Alkaloids

Kratom’s active ingredients, including mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, are alkaloids that are not easily water-soluble. This presents a challenge for manufacturers and users alike, as it can be difficult to extract the alkaloids from raw kratom and incorporate them into products like drinks, capsules, and tinctures.

The reason for this water-insolubility is due to the chemical structure of alkaloids, which contains both hydrophilic (water-attracting) and hydrophobic (water-repelling) regions. When alkaloids are added to water, the hydrophilic regions interact with the water molecules, while the hydrophobic regions interact with each other, causing the alkaloids to clump together and form a suspension.

Solution: Bio-Dri Technology

We’ve developed a proprietary conversion technology that transforms raw kratom into a truly water-soluble extract. This technology uses a combination of mechanical and chemical processes to break down the alkaloids into smaller, more water-soluble components that can be easily absorbed by the body. The result is a high-quality extract that can be easily incorporated into drinks, capsules, and other products.

Problem #2: Bitter Taste of Kratom Alkaloids

Kratom’s alkaloids, including mitragynine, are known for their extremely bitter taste. This makes it difficult for users to consume kratom in a way that’s palatable, and also makes it challenging for manufacturers to create products that taste good.

The reason for the bitterness of kratom alkaloids is due to their chemical structure, which contains a high concentration of nitrogen-containing compounds. These compounds are known for their bitterness, and are also responsible for the strong aroma of raw kratom.

Solution: We Make Mitragynine TRULY Water-Soluble!

Our Bio-Dri Technology not only improves the bioavailability and water-solubility of kratom alkaloids, but it also improves the taste. By breaking down the alkaloids into smaller, more water-soluble components, our technology reduces the bitterness of the extract, making it easier to consume in drinks or other products. This makes it more appealing to users, and also opens up more possibilities for product design for manufacturers.

In conclusion, the water-insolubility and bitterness of kratom alkaloids present two major challenges for the industry. However, our Bio-Dri Technology offers a comprehensive solution that addresses both of these issues. By improving the bioavailability, water-solubility, and taste of kratom extracts, we’re helping to unlock the full potential of this amazing botanical. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you revolutionize the kratom industry.

super kratom power up

Unlocking the Power of Kratom: How Our Our Kratom Innovation Toll Service uses a proprietary conversion technology to make the active compounds in kratom more bioavailable…

…meaning they’re more easily absorbed and utilized by the body. This results in faster onset, stronger effects, and more efficient use of the extract.

Kratom drink mix

Why Mitragynine Doesn’t Mix with Water: A Scientific Look at Two Problems Plaguing the Kratom Industry

Kratom is a botanical that’s been used for centuries for its pain-relieving, mood-enhancing, and energy-boosting effects. However, kratom’s active ingredients, including mitragynine and other alkaloids, present two major challenges for the industry: the

Water Soluble Kratom Extract Services

Bioavailability of Mitragynine in Kratom

Bioavailability is a term used to describe the proportion of a substance that enters the bloodstream and is available to produce an effect.

Get Started Today

We’re committed to providing the highest quality kratom extract innovation services on the market. Contact us today to learn more about our Bio-Dri Technology and Kratom Toll Services and how it can help you build a better product.