First-Pass Metabolism Solutions

CBD Capsule with Enhanced Enzymatic Delivery

Our new CBD Capsule addresses the primary problem with all ingested cannabinoids: Sub-Standard Bioavailability.

First-Pass Metabolism Solutions

The first pass effect (also known as first-pass metabolism) is a phenomenon of drug potency loss whereby the concentration of a drug or nutraceutical, specifically when administered orally, is greatly reduced before it reaches the circulatory system.

Cannabinoid Bioavailability

The oral bioavailability of all cannabinoids is very low (0.3-19%) primarily due to massive loss caused by the P450 enzyme superfamily. Most of the loss is caused by the prominent CYP3A4 enzyme. (2,3)


CannaBoost™ temporarily renders these enzymes inactive by utilizing the inhibition properties of various nutraceuticals.* Specifically, curcumin (5), naringin (6,7) and BioPerine® (4,5) have demonstrated CYP3A4 inhibition abilities.

Combining CannaBoost™ with cannabinoids (including CBD) will significantly reduce absorption loss due to first-pass metabolism, thereby significantly increasing oral bioavailability (7,8)*.

Bio-Dri™ Protects CBD*

Patent-pending Bio-Dri™ encapsulates and protects cannabinoids from stomach acids and enzymes to deliver an intact molecule ready for absorption.* Bio-Dri™ works hand-in-hand with CannaBoost™ to maximize every milligram of CBD and other minor cannabinoids.*


1. Milar S, Stone N, Yates A, O’Sullivan S. A systematic review of the pharmacokinetics of cannabidiol in humans. Frontiers in Pharma 26 Nov 2018
2. Jiang R, Yamaori S, Takeda S, Yamamoto I, Watanabe K. Identification of cytochrome P450 enzymes responsible for metabolism of cannabidiol by human liver microsomes. Life Sciences 89 (2011) 165-170
3. Zendulka O, Dovrelova G, Noskova K, Turjap M, Sulcova A, Hanus L, Jurica J. Cannabinoids and Cytochrome P450 Interactions. Curr Drug Metab 2016;17(3):206-26
4. Rajinder K. Bhardwaj, Hartmut Glaeser, Laurent Becquemont, Ulrich Klotz, Suresh K. Gupta and Martin F. Fromm. Piperine. A Major Constituent of Black Pepper, Inhibits Human P-glycoprotein and CYP3A4. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. August 2002, 302 (2) 645-650
5. Volak L, Ghirmai S, Cashman J, and Court M. Curcuminoids inhibit multiple human cytochromes P450 (CYP), UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT), and sulfotransferase (SULT) enzymes, while piperine is a relatively selective CYP3A4 inhibitor. Drug Metab Dispos. 2008 Aug; 36(8): 1594–1605.
6. Ho P C, Saville D J, Coville P F, Wanwimolruk S. Content of CYP3A4 Inhibitors, Naringin, Naringenin and Bergapten in Grapefruit and Grapefruit Juice Products. Pharm Acta Helv. 2000 Apr;74(4):379-85.
7. Fasinu P, Choonara Y, Khan R, Du Toit L C, Kumar P, Ndesendo V, Pillay V. Flavonoids and Polymer Derivatives as CYP3A4 Inhibitors for Improved Oral Drug Bioavailability. J Pharm Sci . 2013 Feb;102(2):541-55.
8. Wadhwa S, Singhal S, Rawat S. Bioavailability Enhancement by Piperine: A Review. Asian J Biomed & Pharm Sciences. Vol 4, Issue 36, 2014.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any disease. Consult your personal medical professional before use.